A sensing poll was conducted by ASEAMETRICS during the webinar to gather information on the current perceptions of people managers regarding ChatGPT and conversational AI. This report summarizes the results of the sensing poll.

Current state of internal talent marketplaces very weak - ASEAMETRICS poll
A sensing poll was conducted by ASEAMETRICS during the webinar to gather information on perceptions and practices related to the topic strengthening the internal talent marketplace.

Fostering Safe, Enabling, and Ennobling Workplaces Through a Holistic Mental Health Strategy
There is no health without mental health. Mental health is a major issue in all organizations globally, including the Philippines. There is, however, a lot of static around mental health.

Making Sense of Hybrid Work Arrangements The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty Work for HR
As the world begins to exit the COVID-19 pandemic, hopefully for good this time around, the general sigh of relief – and even the sense of liberation – are understandably palpable.

Work with Meaning
The quest to imbue work and workplaces with purpose and meaning has taken on more significance as a result of the pandemic.

A Conversation with PMAP President Ellen Fullido on People-Centered HR Leadership
As we begin to exit the pandemic, it is opportune time to reflect on the lessons that have been learned in the last two years.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Philippines
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace are the new buzzwords in organizations. The signs are all there – from inclusion statements in job ads, to pronouns in email signatures, to various initiatives to propagate more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces.

A breakthrough for testing and assessment in the Philippines
“I want to do remote testing, but I am afraid the integrity of the tests might be compromised” is a recurring reservation expressed by people managers about remote online testing. It is a valid concern. Most people managers are conscientious and want to ensure that the results of their talent assessments are valid and reliable.