
More and more businesses are now embracing remote work, and with work teams scattered across the country or all over the world, online meetings have become the new norm.

Team leads and project managers now rely on technology to plan online meetings and ensure that these virtual check-ins are time-efficient and productive. Below are some of the most essential tools to do that.

Scheduling and coordinating: Calendly

One challenge in setting up meetings with distributed teams is coming up with a schedule that would fit everyone’s availability and time zone. Calendly takes away time spent on back-and-forth emails by gathering information from attendees and coming up with the most optimal meeting schedule for everybody. From sending meeting reminders to thank you notes, Calendly also automates these menial tasks, so you can focus on more value-adding activities.

Managing tasks: nTask

This task management tool can be helpful for any meeting planner. It has a built-in feature for meeting minutes that allows both the host and attendees to keep track of decisions and takeaways, real-time. It allows teams to organize their workflows on pre-built kanban boards and track progress via interactive Gantt charts. nTask is a great tool for making sure everyone is on the same page during, and especially, after every meeting. Video meetings: Zoom

The ever-reliable and famous Zoom, and all for good reason. The free version of Zoom allows for recurring online meetings where you can host up to a hundred attendees, and use features like screen-sharing and whiteboards. Not to mention HD video and voice calls, and breakout rooms for more opportunities for collaboration among small groups.

Meeting on the move: Spot

By now, your company should have health and wellness initiatives in place. And one great way to promote healthy living in your team is to initiate walking meetings. Spot is created so that teams can collaborate and hold meetings while on the move. Meetings are recorded securely on the platform, and saved minutes can be accessed anytime.

Taking notes: Hugo

Meetings can be a drag when there’s no agenda set, and notes taken during the meeting are not coherent. A note-taking app like Hugo can come in handy before, during, and after meetings. It features user-friendly templates for every type of meeting, and efficient integration with other tools such as Trello and Slack for easy follow-ups and updates.

Transcribing meetings: Notiv

This AI-driven tool takes it up a notch by doing the note-taking for you. Notiv syncs with your Office or Google calendar and records your meetings no matter where you are in the world. It has the ability to do real-time transcribing, giving you more time to focus on the discussion since you’re not writing down anything anymore. After the meeting, Notiv can also create tasks and actions for all attendees that have speaker IDs. Capturing moments: Grain

Modern teams can find Grain a useful tool in making meetings have better recall. Instead of relying on notes alone, teams can look back through clips from meetings, and watch highlights, important announcements, and assignments compressed into 3-minute videos. This can save you time and potentially increase alignment within your team.


Don’t let online meetings intimidate you. The list above includes some of the best tools that can make hosting and organizing virtual meetings such a breeze, giving you more time for other productive tasks.


ASEAMETRICS is an HR Consulting firm established to provide solutions to help companies solve talent-related business problems. They are an expert at providing technology-based solutions to help companies identify, develop, and manage the human resource for business success, today and in the future.

Integrated into the company’s high-impact services are advanced technologies through HR Avatar (for E-Testing), Udemy (for E-Learning and Competency Development), Arbinger (for E-Learning – Mindset Change), Withiii (E-Organizational Development), ESM (E-Strategy Management), and HopeChat VP (E-Psychological Services).

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