by Liza Manalo-Mapagu
We are all facing unprecedented challenges brought about by the global COVID-19 pandemic. This situation is affecting the way we live including the life of our families, communities and businesses. The estimated loss to the global economy is more than USD 3 trillion dollars. To date, we cannot predict how long this will take and the extent of damage it may bring. Any challenging situation will always bring the best and worst of us. Our company has taken a more proactive and positive approach in making sure this challenge will bring out individual greatness. “Find OUR Greatness” is our battle cry for 2020.
Like our usual Mondays, we conduct a Monday Staff Conference where we decide on the priorities for the week. For WFH, we set two daily “Check-In’s”: 8am and 4:30pm. The “Check-In’s are done through an online collaborative tool.
I found non-work team-building activities, or just casual conversations very helpful in making the “Check-In’s” more fun and engaging and simulating the level of personal connection at the workplace, such as information exchange, chatting, joking, among others.
Here’s a link on how to manage productivity of remote workers
Here are the insights:
Insight #1: The Need to Formulate Policies and Procedures (P)
The CEO sets the tone for the organization. Formulating and communicating the policies and procedures in WFH will clarify all gray areas. The policy on who can “work-from-home” is irrelevant in the “lockdown” scenario, as we were all forced to implement WFH. Moving forward, the company needs to set positions or roles that can be done through WFH.
As an organization, more than the policies and procedures, we agreed on guidelines and principles we would adhere to make WFH work.
Here’s a link on Working from Home 101: The Complete Guide to Remote Work https://blog.cake.hr/working-home-complete-guide-remote-work/
We laid down a plan on how a typical work day will go from 8:00am to 5:00pm. The guidelines, policies and procedures are still a live document, subject to change based on our new learnings every day.
After the lockdown, will WFH be a year-long policy? My answer is “Yes”. If WFH has been found useful in the period of the Corona Virus epidemic, I think businesses can now transition to working from home as an alternative way of working. Every organization will be different in terms of set-up and the way it will be implemented. There is no substitute for actual physical interaction among employees though. Office-based and remote working have its own pro’s and con’s. I can see how organizations will now be open to remote work for some roles, or providing specific days in a week where employees can work remotely.
It is worth taking note that in July 2018, the President signed the R.A. 111651, also known as the “Telecommuting Act” that allows employees from the private sector “to work from an alternative work place with the use of telecommunication and/or computer technologies.”
Here are the links:
https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/downloads/2018/12dec/20181220-RA-11165-RRD.pdf https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/downloads/2018/12dec/20181220-RA-11165-RRD.pdf
For our current Extended Community Quarantine (ECQ) situation, please check the link on DOLE guidelines on adjustment measures program for affected workers program for workers due to Coronavirus Disease 2019.
Insights #2: Communicating and Management of Expectations on Performance (E)
Remote or not, the leader needs to set goals and targets: annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily. In a “work-from-home” set-up, distractions from other members of the household are inevitable. The temptations to do other things like chatting with friends, watch Netflix series, play games, and other non-work fun activities will always be there.
My team is working on agile project management, where we use adaptive planning.
Like our usual Mondays, we conduct a Monday Staff Conference where we decide on the priorities for the week. For WFH, we set two daily “Check-In’s”: 8am and 4:30pm. The “Check-In’s are done through an online collaborative tool.
I found non-work team-building activities, or just casual conversations very helpful in making the “Check-In’s” more fun and engaging and simulating the level of personal connection at the workplace, such as information exchange, chatting, joking, among others.
Here’s a link on how to manage productivity of remote workers
Remote or not, the leader needs to set goals and targets: annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily. In a “work-from-home” set-up, distractions from other members of the household are inevitable. The temptations to do other things like chatting with friends, watch Netflix series, play games, and other non-work fun activities will always be there.
My team is working on agile project management, where we use adaptive planning.
Speak to an HR Avatar representative
Insights #3 Optimize Online Collaborative Technologies (O)
I do believe that remote working will be the “new normal”. In our lockdown scenario, the label has to be “physical distancing”not “social distancing’. Social beings will have difficulty coping without connecting with people. The online collaborative technologies are available for us to continue to connect with human beings despite the physical distance.
Using the right remote collaboration tools, and adhering to the proper way of communicating and interacting online, we can design a work environment where every member of the organization feels involved, engaged, and valued.
We subscribe to Whereby: a web-based online collaborative tool. After the “Check-In”, each manager can meet with their teams, as deemed necessary. Each manager has the option to conduct one-on-one online sessions with anyone who has performance issues, or needing mentoring or support.
For companies that are looking for other tools, there are tools available now for FREE, here’s the link. 15 Tools for Businesses to Streamline Remote work during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis
Here is the link to the 6 essential remote work tools HR needs to deploy now. 6 Essential Remote Work Tools HR Needs to Deploy for 2020
Insights #4 Managing Different Personalities (P)As a talent analyst, I am quite interested in identifying the profile of talents and employees that fit the WFH environment. Based on my experience working with my team,
I found five (5) attributes with acronym: CARED
Conscientious: Refers to person’s sense of self-discipline and willingness to adhere to rules and procedures. The WFH is an acid test for someone’s honesty and integrity where one does the right thing even if no one is watching and physically managing his / her work.
Adaptable: Refers to the capacity of the person to adjust readily in different situations. Unlike the office setting where there is consistency and structure, the WFH set-up is meted with a lot of unforeseen situations, new challenges, and problems you have to deal on your own.
Resourceful: Refers to the capacity of the person to devise means and ways to solve their problems and obtain what he needs to get the things done.
Excellent Communicator: Refers to the ability to express oneself in a clear and concise manner.
Driven: Refers to one’s tendency to work hard to achieve goals, and solve critical problems in the organization. People who are driven are focused, and enthusiastic to get things done. They are challenged by targets, solution-oriented, and find fulfillment in achieving their goals.
Here’s the link on “Personality Traits That Indicate Working From Home Fits You Like a Glove”
Insight #5 Lead the Way (L)
This is an interesting time when the leaders and managers are also working from home. The leaders and managers will not be able to expect their people to be conscientious and productive unless they are modeling the behavior. The leader’s disposition during crisis is very important. The leader has to inspire and be the cheerleader of the flock.
The people are looking up to the leader to provide direction and guidance amidst crisis and uncertain future. It is important that the leader has the grasp of the situation, and provides a compelling message without sugar-coating. The leader is calm and confident, and projects grit and tenacity that he is in control, and is working on sound strategies to ensure business continuity.
This link provides the four (4) actions which a good leader demonstrates during Covid-19 disruption
Insights #6 Empower Your People (E)
Given the realities of work-from-home where people are left to organize, plan and work on their own, leaders and managers have no choice but to trust and empower their team. Empowerment means that we “provide our employees with the resources, authority, opportunity and motivation to do their work, and hold them accountable for their actions”
At the end of the day, the people can sense if their leader and manager trusts and empowers them. This sense of trust makes the employees MORE accountable, willing to go beyond what is expected, open to suggestions, engaged and productive.
Let’s all work together to keep our employees and applicants safe and healthy! We can overcome this and emerge ready to face the future!
ASEAMETRICS is an HR Consulting firm established to provide solutions to help companies solve talent-related business problems. They are an expert at providing technology-based solutions to help companies identify, develop, and manage the human resource for business success, today and in the future.
Integrated into the company’s high-impact services are advanced technologies through HR Avatar (for E-Testing), Udemy (for E-Learning and Competency Development), Arbinger (for E-Learning – Mindset Change), Withiii (E-Organizational Development), ESM (E-Strategy Management), and HopeChat VP (E-Psychological Services).